Created on:
July 25, 2022

Over the past 6 months in our consulting business, we have seen unprecedented challenges faced by CPG businesses and owners. From container and cardboard shortages to staffing and supply chain issues. The pandemic and an emerging recession brought a wave of challenges and stress for CPG leaders.

Our ability to act quickly and with optimism has served us well as leaders. It’s often part of the reason behind our initial success. However, in times of crisis and uncertainty, it can become essential to slow down and take a 360-degree overview of the business. We need to ask ourselves hard questions such as:

The time to recession-proof your business is now. 

With some strategic planning, you can prepare your business for future market downturns and changes. This foresight and planning will ensure the longevity of your company or brand. During market downturns, experienced brand owners and successful consumer products executives have the option to pause in the face of fear and take decisive countermoves. This results in a business that moves beyond surviving and into thriving.

Why Take Action Now?

  1. Taking before you face significant financial challenges means you can approach your business from a place of ease and curiosity, which will lead to better decision-making.
  2. Pre-planning for both supply chain and revenue challenges early will allow you to secure materials and funding, which you can leverage with new and established customers.
  3. The early bird gets the worm! When you are willing to pivot early and diversify your revenue streams you will have a clear first mover advantage and a higher chance to lock in new customers or channels.

Based on the work we have been doing with clients, we know there is a need for a simple process to guide brands through this deep dive. Usually, this process requires 20-40 consulting hours and that investment can be challenging for emerging brands. That’s why we created a simple-to-follow workbook with video instruction that includes:

We would love to guide you and your team through the process at a price that can easily fit your budget!

Learn more about this resource here: